CONFAIR folding table, client Wilkhahn
single table...
...and system
ALINE, client Wilkhahn
ALINE, first Sketch
ALINE mini-models, scale 1:6
...and later reality
ALINE early sketch
ALINE truly stacks
ALINE drawings
ALINE rectangular tables, client Wilkhahn, cantina ...
... & home
ALINE high stacking table
ALINE swivelchair, client Wilkhahn
at work 2005
ALINE essence
ALINE-S, & bistro tables
...easy repairable, heavy duty
LOGON, classic conferencing, client Wilkhahn
LOGON at it's best
TIMETABLE, client Wilkhahn
TIMETABLE, flipping...
...stacking smoothly
flexible conferencing
fast and easy
TIMETABLE SHIFT, client Wilkhahn
TIMETABLE SMART, client Wilkhahn
for presentation and projection
M'OVO, client Lapalma
HAPPYHOUR, client BeB Italia
RONDO table, client BeB Italia
VOLO prototype, client Lammhults
MAX, client Wilkhahn
MAX, meeting
... or flexible conferencing / chamber of commerce, Belgrad 2021
MAX, always mobile
MAX, 3 leg sizes
stackable swivel-chair for HOWE, DK
AS-series for HOWE
stackable tables for HOWE, DK
AS-series, privacy screen
nesting stool for ROOMTOOL
We are very pleased to announce that we have transferred our entire ROOMTOOL portfolio to HOWE a/s in Odense, DK for production and distribution worldwide.